jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

International Get-Together Iznájar – 27th of September


The first «International Get-Together Iznájar» will be taking place the next 27th of September, a special day thoroughly conceived for our growing foreign population.

This day, you will be able to share your experience with your fellow countrymen and our local citizens, discussing proposals, sharing our unique cultures… in short, improving the communication between our foreign residents and the iznajeños.

To this meeting, whose attendance is free, every single resident in Iznájar from foreign countries is well-received, as well as iznajeños interested in interacting with the rest of the attendees. We will welcome you with open arms!

Regarding the schedule, during the morning we will recognise some particular cases of foreigners living in Iznájar, and we will discuss issues that affect this population.

Later, we will enjoy a refined catering put on by the Catering School of Iznájar, where you will be able to savour a wide variety of fine gourmet foods.

After the meal, the participants can opt between the renowned oleoturist experience or a dairy tourism experience to learn first-hand how goat cheese is manufactured in an artisanal way.

To conclude the day, attendees will have the opportunity to see an exhibition of traditional works and taste typical pastries from Iznájar and other countries.

Those interested in attending this meeting must sign up through the following electronic form. Places are limited. The registration period ends on September 23rd at 14 hours.


For further information you can contact the Iznájar Tourist Office by email at turismo@iznajar.es

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